Bracing of Gable Ends with Zonts™

This project, a single family dwelling built by Sunflower Initiatives, Central Scotland, consists of a main floor, second floor and a third floor with dormer windows projecting through the roof structure. For more detailed project pictures, click here.

The construction sequence of the ICF envelope was as follows:

  • Main floor walls built and poured to a height of 12.5';
  • Second floor floor system installed (to enable bracing off the floor structure);
  • Second and third floor walls (including gable ends) built and poured in one lift to a height of 19' 4".
Gable end

Bracing of uneven gable ends is problematic with conventional ICF vertical braces, with the wall height varying significantly across the gable end. However with Zont™ horizontal braces the different heights are easily accomodated by adding additional Zont™ layers for the taller sections.

As seen in the photo above, five Zont™ layers progressively followed the higher gable ends. Three levels of Zuckles™ ensured that the gable ends were in perfect alignment.

Second Floor bracing

Second floor floor assembly was used to support the kickers to align the second and third story walls which were poured in one lift. The side walls (14' high) were aligned with two levels kickers, the gable end walls (19' 4") with three levels of kicker.

Placing concrete on second floor walls

Placing concrete in the second and third floor walls was uneventful. The inset picture shows pump hose operator filling the gable end.

President Najem Mahmoud Al-Hasan wrote: "We could not believe how strong the system was. After the pour had completed, we checked all the walls and only one brace had moved slightly. When I say slightly, I should perhaps elaborate. We had to adjust by 3mm."

To see the full project page, click here.

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