The Calvary Chapel South Bay Church in Gardena, California recently completed a church in Kitgum, Uganda using the Fast-Tube to form the ten columns.
The Calvary Chapel has built a number of churches in Uganda for protection of the parishioners from the hot sun and rain. If you wish to donate to the work of the Calvary Chapel South Bay's work in Uganda, please click on the icon above.
Fast-Tube column forms are quickly cut to length from a 100' roll using a utility knife.
The alignment tab of the Fast-Tube is stapled to a 2x4 using a hammer tacker with 3/8" staples. Then a second 2x4 is nailed to the first, sandwiching the alignment tab between the two 2x4s.
The Fast-Tube and 2x4s are set up over the concrete footing and rebar, plumbed with a level and kickers nailed in place to hold the column in position
Concrete pumps do not exist in this part of Uganda, so a human chain passes buckets of concrete from the mixing area to the column. Then the buckets are lifted up the ladder and poured into the column. A 5 gallon bucket with the end removed is placed at the top of the tube making the filling easy.
To start the pour, one of the volunteers holds the bottom edge of the tube in position. Once there is 6" of concrete in the form, concrete tension in the fabric will prevent leakage.
Wooden trusses are set up on beams running between the tops of the columns.
The metal roof has been installed over the trusses and the church main structure in now complete.