Compensation Committee Charter

I. Purpose

The purpose of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Fab-Form Industries Ltd. (the "Company") shall be to discharge the Board's responsibilities relating to the compensation of the Company's executive officers and the administration of the Company's employee benefit plans.

The Committee shall assist the Board in administering and overseeing (i) the Company's compensation policies, plans and benefit programs, (ii) the compensation of the Company's executive officers and (iii) the administration of the Company's employee benefit plans.

II. Membership

The Compensation Committee members will be appointed by, and will serve at the discretion of, the Board. The Compensation Committee will consist of at least two non-employee members of the Board.

Members to be paid $500 per annum.

III. Responsibilies and Authority

The responsibilities and authority of the Compensation Committee shall include such responsibilities and authority delegated by the Board and the following:

IV Meetings

The Compensation Committee will meet separately as necessary to fulfill its responsibilities under this Charter. The Compensation Committee may establish its own schedule, which it will provide to the Board.

V Minutes and Reports

The Compensation Committee may maintain written minutes of its meetings as it deems appropriate, which minutes (if any) will be filed with the minutes of the meetings of the Board.

The Compensation Committee will summarize its examinations and recommendations to the Board as may be appropriate, consistent with the Compensation Committee's charter.

VI Delegation of Authority

The Compensation Committee may form and delegate authority to one or more subcommittees where appropriate.


Reviewed and approved by the board, 30 August 2022

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